
New Revised Program
Day 1 | Day 2 &3 | Course Fees |
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Day 1 - Enabling a Client-centric Information Strategy
1. The changing information landscape.
The business of information.
- Information delivery history and innovation
- Business and public-sector drivers and success factors for information innovations
- Defining information as a service and information architecture
- Information as an asset and as a business
- The impact of big data
- Evolving information business models
- A look at real world information services in government and business
2. Understanding your information culture.
Observations from the field.
- An ethnographic view of the enterprise: business as a culture
- Information needs within a business culture: Who uses what?
- The chief: Business intelligence for strategic advantage
- The elders: Information to run daily operations
- The hunter/gatherer: Information about new business opportunities
- The explorer: Enterprise-wide discovery for innovation
- The villager: Information to accomplish day-to-day tasks
- The storyteller: From information publishing to digital folklore
- Understanding information values and quality
- Developing a client-centric information strategy
- Real innovative world case study and interactive workshop
3. Trends in information architectures.
Information service patterns.
- Making sense of information architectures
- Enterprise Architecture, SOA and information services
- Service patterns: data federation, data consolidation, data cleansing,
and master data management
- The challenges of customer data integration and product data management
- The structured – unstructured information continuum – its implications
- Enterprise content management systems
- Information and content analytics
- Big data
- Business Intelligence (BI) from structured and unstructured data
- Search: from keywords to complex queries
- Discovery and inferencing
4. The semantic imperative.
Towards an understanding of information and knowledge structures.
- The emerging role of semantics for enterprises
- Systems of systems (SOS) - the drive to reuse legacy systems
- Growing need for semantic interoperability
- What is semantics and its relationship to knowledge
- Enterprise ontologies and why they are so important to information services
- Positioning taxonomies and metamodels
- Semantics and knowledge management
5. Real world global integration.
The International Council of Museums.
- The problem of cultural information diversity
- The need for a common “cultural reference model”
- Strategies to integrate heritage information
Days 2 & 3 - Implementing Enterprise Information Services: Semantic Strategies for Enabling Information Architectures
1. Information Services Innovation.
Semantics: Enabling Enterprise Information Architectures.
- The semantic continuum - from implicit to the semantic web
- Enterprise information integration (EII) of disparate legacy systems
- The need to significantly augment shrink-wrapped data services solutions
- Increasing volumes of structured and unstructured data
- Intelligent crawling, search, retrieval, and analysis
- Deep business intelligence (BI) analytics
- Semantic-based text mining via natural language processing
- Intelligent simulation systems
2. Responding to real-world Information Services.
Designing meaningful information services.
- The purpose of ontologies and semantics
- Semantic enterprise processes
- Ontology building blocks
- Axioms, rules, and reasoning
- Levels of ontology
- Ontology modeling languages
- IDEF5 language schemas and examples
3. Real world business value.
Semantic interoperability in action.
In this walk-through session, team members will gain an overview perspective of the key steps involved in initiating an information integration project including lessons learned from various implementations.
- Problem: the fragmented enterprise
- Solution: Single integrated system
4. Knowing what you know.
Building a semantic domain model for information services.
- Semantic analysis process leading to the ontology
- Five sources of domain concepts and relations
- Seven steps for understanding your domain semantics
- Five-step process for an effective semantic model
- Issues in advanced semantic architecture design
5. Getting real - The enterprise model.
Putting semantics to work for information architecture (IA).
- Managing an IA project
- Roles in the IA Team
- Develop refine, verify and validate enterprise model
- Deploy an enterprise model to integrate information
- Create physical data services and map to the enterprise model
- Map relationship functions and deploy
- Enterprise model visualization and search
6. Semantic Strategies for Enterprise Information Management.
Implications for SOA and business processes modeling and management.
- Adding "meaning" to business process models
- Business process modeling overview, process standards, and language standards
- SOA standards come in to play; composing web services into business processes
- Business process metadata and semantics
- Linking process knowledge with enterprise knowledge through ontologies
7. Information services end-game: Unified information for all stakeholders.
Enabling meaningful access and exploitation of Enterprise Information (EI).
- Challenges of unifying EI for application and user access and exploitation
- Business intelligence vs. business knowledge
- Revisiting structured vs. unstructured information architectures
- The evolving role of hybrid architectures
- State of the research in EI integration, access and correlation
- Agile presentation layers for unified information
- Designing information architectures for evolution in an age of technology revolution
8. Meaningful reference models.
Leveraging information and business patterns.
- Goals and dimensions of reference models
- Role of semantics in developing reference models
- Industry reference models
- Public sector reference models
- Benefits of developing a business ontology
9. We speak your language.
Standards and tools to make it easier.
- The role of various standards organizations
- The building blocks of expressive power - making sense of languages
- Ontology languages - OWL, DAML + OIL, RDF XML, RDF, and XML
- Reasoners - inferring consequences from a set of facts or axioms
10. Return on meaning.
Making the business case for information services.
- Business case within your culture
- Business value of semantics
- Semantically integrating services as business value
- Business case analysis method
Who should attend
Senior Vice President/Director
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
DG, Information Management/
Strategic Planning
Vice President/Director IS
Strategic Planner/Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Information Manager
Information Architect
Director/Manager, Information Services
Business Architect
Strategic Innovation/Knowlege Management
Web Architect/User Experience Designer
Project Manager/Leader
Application/Systems Architect
Business Unit or Department Manager
Business Analyst
Data Architect
Over 9000 IT professionals have developed their careers with an Intervista session.
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(Intervista is now offering DAMA & EAIG members a 10% discount on all of our courses)
Course fees
3-Day Executive Session
Small teams
(5 to 9 participants: fee per participant).
Large teams inquire for additional discount.
$ 2795 |
Early enrollment
4 weeks prior to session date.
$ 2875 |
Regular enrollment
Must be received one day prior to session. No participant will be admitted into the course without prior payment arrangement.
$ 2915 |
Applicable taxes extra. All prices are in USD.
*Promotional offers cannot be combined with our discounts. Credit card payment required at time of registration.

Contact us about how to schedule this course on-site for teams of 10 or more.

Day 1
1. The business of information
2. Your information culture
3. Trends in information architectures
4. The semantic imperative
5. Real world global intergration
Day 2 & 3
1. Information Services Innovation
2. Meaningful Information Services
3. Real world business value
4. Building a semantic domain model
5. The Enterprise Model
6. BPM and Information Services
7. Unified Information
8. Meaningful reference models
9. Standards and tools
10. Return on meaning

Intervista Institute faculty member and leading expert in information management strategies and enterprise semantics, Kent Bimson works large government and business organizations on complex information architecture and enterprise integration challenges. He holds a PhD in Linguistics from UCLA and a M.S. in Computer Science from California State University Sacramento. This latest course brings together Intervista's research and Kent Bimson's real world practice to assist participants in creating innovative information services.
Learn more about our faculty.

"Excellent course! Kent Bimson knows about the subject and his passion is contagious!"
Herve Ethier
Chief Information Officer
Human Rights Commission
“The presentation was excellent and the instructor, Kent Bimson, was fantastic. I got great value out of the material and was able to apply the knowledge gained to my current BI practices and dealings with Enterprise Architects. Thank you Kent for bringing a sense of passion to material presented."
Katherine Jenkins
Senior Program Officer
Border Services Agency
"The course was excellent and very timely for what I am mandated to do at this moment."
Cheryl Potter
Data Architect
Brookfield Renewable Power
"I found the content and presentations excellent. Helped me better articulate some issues relating to Information Architecture and Strategies."
Brian Caughey
Business Representative
Correctional Services |