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enterprise architecture enterprise architecture

This exclusive collection of video clips features EA thought leaders John Zachman and Stan Locke discussing insightful perspectives and insight into key issues affecting EA implementation.

Windows Media PlayerNOTE - FOR VIEWING VIDEO CLIPS: For best results make sure to download the entire file to your computer's hard drive and then open and run the file using Microsoft's Windows Media Player. If you need a copy of this free software, visit Microsoft's Windows Media Player page for instructions on how to install it.
Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management - John Zachman Intergration implications - John Zachman
Knowledge Management
Business Architedcture- John Zachman Adressing the business for a EA
Knowledge Management
Semantic Framework - John Zachman Knowledge Management - Stan Locke
Knowledge Management
Clive Finklestein- Stan Locke Interproperbility
Knowledge Management

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